Physics SPI Flash Cards

This is my physics flash cards

67 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What does Period mean?
The time required to complete a single cycle.* Period can also be descried as the time from the start of a cycle to the start of the next cycle.
What are the units of Period?
Seconds, msec, hours { any unit of time}
What is Period determined by and can it be changed by the sonographer?
It is determined by the sound source and it can not be changed by the sound source.
What does Frequency mean?
The number of certain events that occur in a particular time duration.* In ultrasound the frequency of a wave is the number of cycles of an acoustic variable that occur in one second.
What are the units for Frequency?
Per second, 1/second, Hertz, Hz*Hertz is another way of saying "per second"
What is Frequency determined by and can it be changed by the sonographer?
It is determined by the sound source and it cannot be changed by the sonographer.
How does sound create images?
It creates images by sending short bursts into the body.
Acoustic Propagation Properties are?
The effects of the medium upon the sound wave.
Biologic Effects are?
The effects of the sound wave upon the biologic tissues.
What type of wave is Sound?
A type of wave that carries energy, not matter, from place to place.
How is Sound created?
Created by the vibration of a moving object.
What is Sound comprised of?
Its comprised of compressions { increases in pressure or density} and rarefactions { decreases in pressure or density}
What does Sound travel through?
Sound must travel through a medium, cannot travel through a vacuum.
What type of wave is Sound?
Sound is a mechanical, longitudinal wave.
How does Sound travel?
Sound travels in a straight line.