Politics Flashcards

Politics Flashcards for Chapter 1 only

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Concerns the activities and interactions that seek to affect the composition, power, and actions of the government.
Public policy
The rules of society and the priorities for government resources and action.
Pathways of action
Various activities institutions decision pointsin American politics + government that affect creationalteration+preservationoflaws+public policies
If a new ordinance violates other existing laws, then taking the issue to court by filing lawsuits.
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Prohibited state and local governments from engaging in racial discrimination in public schools.
A coordinated action by many people who agree not to buy a specific product, use a specific service until policy is changed
Roe v Wade
Case decided that it is a violation of texas law of a womans right to privacy when making personal choices about reproduction
Checks and balances
A designed form of government that divided powers between the national government and the states
The economic system based on free enterprise in which individuals compete with each other for jobs and money
Government owns and controls key factories and sometimes also land to assign individuals to certain jobs
Political culture
Fundamental values and dominant beliefs that are shared throughout society and that shape political behavior and government
Alexis de Tocqueville
French scholar who traveled throughout the US in the early 1830s, found our nations politics to be distinct and powerful