Pollution of Air and Water Long Answer

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What is meant by water pollution?what are the different ways in which water gets polluted
The contaminationof water of rivers ,lakes and ponds with unwanted and harmful substances is called water pollution.

the different ways in which water gets polluted are:

dumping of untreated sewageinto the rivers causes water pollution .

fertilisers used in agriculture:excess of fertilisers used in the fields are washed away into the rivers.it causes rapid growth of the algae.

pesticide in agriculture:the farmers use persticide to protect the crop from pests.the pesticide are washed by the rain water and carried to the river thus polluting it .the pesticide kill the aquatic life like fish

untreated industrial wastes.the toxic chemicals like lead , nickel, mercury etc produced by the industries like paper mill , textile industry etc are discharged into the river making the water polluted and killing the aquatic animals
State the harmful effects of water pollution
Drinking polluted water with untreated sewage can cause cholera , dysentry,typhoid etc

water of rivers and ponds polluted by fertilisers kill the aquatic animals like fish

water of rivers polluted by pesticide kill the aquatic life and damage our health by food chain

water of rivers and lakes polluted by industrial wastes kill the aquatic life and damage our nervous system and cause blood poisioning and cancer
What is air?write the names of various constituents of air
Air is a mixture of gases.the two main gases present in the air are nitrogen and oxygen..nitrogen is about 78 % and oxygen is about 21%.it also contains carbon dioxide , argon and water vapour
What is air pollution?what are the main sources of air pollution?
The contaminationof air with harmful gases like sulphur dioxide , nitrogen oxide carbon monoxide , smoke and dust is called air pollution.the main source of air pollution are:

smoke emitted from homes by burning wood,cow dung ,coal and kerosene

exhaust gas given out by vehicles due to burning of petrol or diesel

smoke emitted by factories anfd thermal power plant by burning coal

oil refineries and industries producing metals or chemicals

stone crusher , cement factories , asbestos factories and lead processing units cause air pollution

use of CFC in refrigerator ,air conditioner and aerosel spray cause air pollution

smoking causes air pollution
What is smog?how is smog formed?what are its harmful effects
Smog is deadly air pollutant which is formed by the combination of smoke and fog.smoke contains carbon particles ,nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide which combine with the densed water vapour called fog .it causes cough and aggravates asthma and other lung diseases especially in children
What is acid rain?how is acid rain caused?what are the harmful effects of acid rain?
The acid rain is that rain which contains small amounts of acids formed from acidic gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide present in the polluted air.the burning of fossil fuel like coal and oil in factories and vehicles produce acidic gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide which react with water vapour present in the air to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid.these acids dissolve in rain water to form acid rain.

the harmful effects are
it destroys the forests: it destroys the leaves .the leaves turn yellow and fall off.due to lack of the leaves trees cannot absorb water and thus dies.acid rain make soil acidic which is not good for crops.
it kills aquatic animals such as fish: it makes the water in rivers and ponds more acidic which kill the aquatic animals like fish.
it corrodes the statues ,buildings and historical monuments:the acid present in the acid rain react with the carbonate present in the marble and limestone present in the statue and buildings and crode it slowly.
What is global warming?what are the likely harmful effects of global warming
The undue rise in the earths atmosphere due to excessive greenhouse effect produced by the increasing amount of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere is called global warming.

the harmful effects of global warming are:

it can cause sudden rise in the sea level: the rise in the temperature of the atmosphere causes the polar ice to melt.the huge amount of water produced by the melting of polar ice causes rice inthe water level of seas and oceans .this causes flood in the low lying areas and the life and property are gdamaged.gangotri galacier in the himalayas are melting because of global warming

it can reduce the rainfall in some area of the earth causing droughts:which can cause death of many plants and animals and turn large area into semi desert