POS2041 --- Exam 2

Exam 2-- POS2041 --- Public Opinion

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Focus Groups
Small groups used to explore how ordinary people think about issues and how they react to the language of political appeals.
System of beliefs in which one or more organizing principles connect the individual's views on a wide range of issues.
Issue Public
Group of people particularly affected by, or concerned with, a specific issue.
Mass Public
Ordinary people for whom politics is a peripheral concern.
Measurement Error
The error that arises from attempting to measure something as subjective as opinion.
Political Efficacy
The belief that one can make a difference in politics by expressing an opinion or acting politically.
Political Elite
Activists and officeholders who are deeply interested in, and knowledgeable about, politics.
Public Opinion
The aggregation of people's views about issues, situations, and public figures.
Sampling Error
The error that arises in public opinion surveys as a result of relying on a representative, but small, sample of the larger population.
Selection Bias
The error that occurs when a sample systematically includes or excludes people with certain attitudes.
The end result of all the processes by which social groups give individuals their beliefs and values.