Power Issues in the Doctor-Patient Relationship

"underlying factors and fine lines of the challenges themselves"

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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doctor-patient relationship: doctor makes decision without patient patient input (paternalism) (450/3)
PATRIARCHY: social system in which the male acts as the primary authority figure central to social organization: social systems in which officially recognized or assigned power is primaryly held by adult man ***not an absolute control or possession of power
patient-doctor interaction: shared decision making
even when doctors fully inform patietns, know their preferences, and share decision making, the balance of power tends to favour the doctor (450/3)
they have more power:INDUSTRIALISM: period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from a society that depends on agriculture to one that produces economic goods and services within a community
in the past, the medical profession has been viewed as a typical example of a patriariarchal system: the doctor, usually male with high social status, wealth and exclusive knowledge, making decision on behalf of all patients, women in particular.(450/4)
patriarchy vs
The current move from paternalism towards a patient-centered approach to health care is largely a response to social movements such as socialism and feminism, giving all people increased autonomy in their lives (450/4-451/1)
AUTONOMY: independence or freedom
Socialist analysis viewed industrialisation and medical technology as contributing to citizens ill-health and lack of autonomy (451/2)
:INDUSTRIALISM: period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from a society that depends on agriculture to one that produces economic goods and services within a community
Doctors are both agents and victims of capitalism (451/2)
CAPITALISM: an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.
Feminist critiques of medical patriarchy have focused on the power and control issues of gender politics and sought to redress the power imbalance between mal doctors and female patients (451/2)
Over ,t,h,e past few decades, the patient has "come of age" through recognition that ultimately, power rests with patients. a dissatisfied patient might not, for example, take the medication prescribed or attend for subsequent appointments (451/3)
Patients may be experts on their own bodies, values, preferences and life situations... the voice of the patient is itself "an attribute of quality" (451/3)
Advances in information technology, such as the media and the internet, have broken doctors' monopoly on technical and research knowledge (451/3)
Webmd medscape mayoclinic medline plus: huffingtonpost **
Many doctor-patient relationships have matured...many patients and doctors now share "high control" over the interaction"...each exercising different but equally important sources of power (451/4-452/1)
A key result has been to erode patients trust in their doctors and encourage them to practise defensive medicine (452/2)
Doctors scared of malpractice
The threat of malpractice litigation has spawned a form of "new paternalism" that encourages doctors to be responsible for, rather than to, patients with decisional capacity(452/3)