Ancient City Chapter 8 Section 2 Flashcards

How well can do you know about the following Ancient City Chapter? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the following Ancient City Chapter 8 section 2 and check your knowledge.

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Rome's republic was shaped by a struggle between what 2 groups?
Wealthy land owners and regular citizens
Early Romans were divided into two classes.....
The patricians and the plebeians
Describe the particians
Wealthy landowners. Rome's ruling class
Describe the plebeians
This group included artisans, shopkeepers, and owners of small farms, less social status, could not hold public office, could not marry a partician
Top govt officials who were particians, they headed the army and ran the govt
Important officials whose job it was to interpret the law and act as judges in court cases
What was Rome's most inportant legislatvie or lawmaking body?
The Senate
Describe the Senate
Made up of 300 patrician men who served for life, the Senate gave advice to the consuls.. Over time it could also propose laws hold debates adn approve building programs
Describe the Aseembly of Centuries
Patricians who elected important officials such as consuls and praetors and passed laws
What did the Plebians do to show unfairness in the Roman Republic?
They went on strike, they refused to serve in the army, they left the city to set up a republic of their own
How ddi the patricians react to the Plebians strike?
They set up the Council of the the Plebs. They could elect tribunes who could bring concerns to the govt's attention. They could also vote, and allowed to intermarry.. Eventually they were able to pass laws for all romans
What was a dictator like in Rome?
Someone who had complete control but only ruled temporarily and in emergencies when danger arose
Who was the best known roman dictator and why?
Cincinnatus--he defeated the enemy that was causing Rome concern and gave up his dictatorship after 15 or 16 days.
What was one of Roman's chief gifts to the world?
Its system of Laws