Microbiology (catabolic Metabolism)4.6.4

Assimilation of sulfur.  

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Sulphur is needed for the synthesis of
Amino acids (cysteine & methionine)and several coenzymes(eg coenzyme A & biotin)
It may be obtained from
Two sources
Many microorganisms use cysteine and methionine obtained from either
External sources or intracellular amino acids reserves
In addition sulphate can provide sulphur for
Sulphur atom in sulphate is more oxidised than it is in
Cysteine and other organic molecules
Thus sulphate must be reduced
Before it can be assimilated
This process is Known as
Assimilatory sulphate reduction
To distinguish it from the dissimilatory sulphate reduction that takes place when
Sulphate acts as an electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration
Assimilatory sulphate reduction involves
Sulphate activation through formation of phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulphate followed by reduction of the sulphate
In this process sulphate is first reduced to
Sulphite and then to hydrogen sulphide
Cysteine can be synthesized from hydrogen sulphide
In two ways
Process 1 :Fungi appear to combine hydrogen sulfide with serine to form
Process 2:wheras many bacteria join
Hydrogen sulphide With O- acetylserine instead