Microbiology(catabolic Metabolism)4.10.7

Biosynthesis of phospholipids

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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They are major components of
Eukaryotic and most prokaryotic cell membranes
Their synthesis also usually proceeds by way of
Phosphatidic acid
A special cytidine diphosphate (CDP) carrier plays a role similar to that of
Uridine and adenosine carriers in carbohydrate biosynthesis
For eg bacteria synthesizes
A major
Cell membrane component
Through the initial formation of
CDP diacylglycerol
CDP derivatives then react with serine to form
Phospholipid phosphatidylserine
And decarboxylation yields
In this way a complex membrane lipid is constructed from the
Products ofglycolysis fatty acid biosynthesis and amino acid biosynthesis
Many different phospholipid species can be constructed by combining various fatty acids and polar head groups with
Glycerol or sphingosine backbone
Assembly of phospholipids
From simple precursors requires:
1. Synthesis of
Backbone molecule (glycerol or sphingosine)
2. Attachment of fatty acids to the backbone through
An Ester or amide linkage
3. Addition of hydrophilic head group to the backbone through
Phosphodiester linkage
And 4. alteration or addition of the head group to yield
Final phospholipid product