PPR Domain 3

This is domai n 3 of t

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating effectively in varied teaching and learning contexts.
D3 C7
Demonstrates clear, accurate communication in the teaching and learning process and uses language that is appropriate to students' ages, interest, and background.
D3 C7A
Engages in skilled questoning and leads effective students discussions, including using questioning and discussion to engae all students in exploring content: extends students' knowledge; and fosters active students inquiry, higher-oder thinking , problem, solving, and productive, supportive interactions, including appropriate wait time.
D3 C7B
Communicates directions, explanations, and procedures effectivley and uses straegies for adjusting communication to enhance students understanding ( by providng examples, simplifying complex ideas, using approprate communication tools)
D3 C7C
Practices effective communication techniques and interpersonal skills (including both verbal and nonverbal skills and electronic communication) for meeting specified goals in various contexts.
D3 C7D
The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the learing process.
D3 C8
Employs various instuctional techniques (discussion, inquiry) and varies teacher and student roles in the instructional process, and provides instruction that promotes intellectual involvement and activie student engagement and learning.
D3 C8A