Practical Test

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the Quadratus Lumborum muscle
Answer 1
The quadratus lumbar muscle is a muscle of the posterior abdominal wall lying deep inside the abdomen and dorsal to the iliopsoas landmarks are twelve rib and posture iliac crest
Demonstrate and anatomically describe abduction and adduction of the arm
Answer 2
Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the body's midline.
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the ​acromia clavicular joint
Answer 3
The acromioclavicular joint, or AC joint, is a joint at the top of the shoulder. It is the junction between the acromion (part of the scapula that forms the highest point of the shoulder) and the clavicle. It is a plane synovial joint.
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the clavicle bone
Answer 4
The clavicle or collarbone is a long bone that serves as a strut between the shoulder blade and the sternum or breastbone. There are two clavicles, one on the left and one on the right. The clavicle is the only long bone in the body that lies horizontally.
Demonstrate and anatomically describe circumduction of the lower limb
Answer 5
The movement of a limb that causes the hand or foot to describe a circle.
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the medial condyle of the tibia
Answer 6
The medial condyle is the medial portion of the upper extremity of tibia.
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the medial border of the scapula
Answer 7
located medially nearest the vertebral column, lies between the superior and inferior angles
Demonstrate and anatomically describe Elevation and ​Depression.
Answer 8
Elevation refers to movement in a superior direction. For example, shrugging is an example of elevation of the scapula. Depression refers to movement in an inferior direction, the opposite of elevation
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the occipital protuberance
Answer 9
Near the middle of the squamous part of occipital bone is the external occipital protuberance, the highest point of which is referred to as the inion. The inion is the most prominent projection of the protuberance which is located at the posteroinferior (lower rear) part of the human skull
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the vertebra T7
Answer 10
The T7 vertebra is the seventh thoracic vertebra, found in the middle of the chest between the seventh and eighth pairs of ribs.
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the 5th Lumbar Vertebra
Answer 11
The L5 vertebra is located in the spinal column of the lumbar (lower back) region inferior to the L4 vertebra and superior to the sacrum
Identify and anatomically describe the location of the popliteal fossa
Answer 12
The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped depression located posterior to the knee joint.The bones of the popliteal fossa are the femur and the tibia.