Practice Test-january 10-glb History 2

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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• Cyrillic alphabet adopted for use in Russia. • Russians accepted the teachings of the Orthodox Christian Church. • Onion-shaped domes dotted the skyline of Kievan Russia. Which term is most closely associated with these statements?(1) ethnocentrism (2) interdependence(3) cultural diffusion (4) colonialism
(3) cultural diffusion
Which culture is credited with the development of gunpowder, the abacus, and the compass? (1) Chinese (2)Persian (3)Indian (4) Japanese
(1) Chinese
One way in which the Council of Trent (1545–1563) and the Versailles Conference (1918–1919) are similar is that they both attempted to (1) restore stability after a period of conflict or disorder (2) address economic concerns by lowering tariffs (3) defend human rights by establishing written codes of law(4) encourage cultural development through the creation of universities
(1) restore stability after a period of conflict or disorder
Which event can be considered a conflict brought about in part by a religious reform movement?(1) World War I (2) Cuban Revolution (3) World War II (4) Iranian Revolution
(4) Iranian Revolution
Armenians under Ottoman rule and Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge both experienced (1) an outbreak of the plague (2) human rights violations (3) economic sanctions (4) an agricultural revolution
(2) human rights violations
Which example best represents a primary source? (1) a 20th-century novel about events leading up to the French Revolution (2) film footage taken during the liberation of Nazi concentration camps (3) an interview with an expert on the fall of the Roman Empire (4) a lecture on the impact of the African slave trade on South America
(2) film footage taken during the liberation of Nazi concentration camps
A geographic similarity between Italy and India is that both of these countries are located (1) on peninsulas (2) on archipelagos (3) between two oceans (4) south of the equator
(1) on peninsulas
Which statement best describes an aspect of a command economy? (1) Profit motivates individuals to set up private businesses. (2) Tradition, religion, and customs heavily influence economic decisions. (3) Supply and demand regulate the economy. (4) Government directs and controls the means of production
(4) government directs and controls the means of production
The Indus and Huang He (Yellow) rivers are both closely associated with (1) border disputes (2) sacred biblical sites (3) cradles of early civilization (4) oil discoveries
(3) cradles of early civilization
A similarity between Shinto in Japan and animism in African societies is that both (1) use the Torah to establish law codes (2) stress the importance of the Eightfold Path (3) believe that spirits exist in nature (4) base social rank on a caste system
(3) believe that spirits exist in nature
The Code of Hammurabi and Chinese legalism both rely on the idea that (1) governments must provide their people with rights (2) harsh laws are needed to control society (3) all subjects are equal under the law (4) religion and government must be brought closer together
(2) harsh laws are needed to control society
One similarity between the Gupta Empire and the Arab dynasties of the Islamic Golden Age is that they (1) made advances in mathematics and literature (2) gained wealth by obtaining gold from the Americas (3) stressed the importance of dharma and karma (4) controlled territories around the Mediterranean seacoast
(1) made advances in mathematics and literature
Which geographic factor has often made Korea a key region for those seeking to control East Asia? (1) long coastline (2) location (3) mountains (4) climate
2. locattion
Which culture is credited with the development of gunpowder, the abacus, and the compass? (1) Chinese (2) Persian (3) Indian (4) Japanese
1. Chinese
What is a primary characteristic of a feudal society? (1) a representative government (2) economic equality for all (3) protection of individual rights (4) an exchange of land for services
4. an ecchange of land for services