Practitioner Year1 Term 2

Study questions for year 1 term 2

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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According to Ernest Holmes, what realization comes of knowing that all things in the visible world are effects?
Back of all effects are ideas Through right thinking we are able to uncover the appearance of imperfection and reveal Perfect Idea. “Thoughts become Things"
In LSOM what does Ernest Holmes sayis the starting point for creating a better future?
Deliberately free our minds from the mistakes of yesterday for they need no longer be a liability.
In LSOM where does Ernest Holmes say we need to make changes?
Within ourselves NOW.
T or F. Our choices are always limited by socially accepted morays and morals
False. We are oly limited by our own beliefs and thinking. We have the choice to evaluate these beliefs, determine if the serve us, and discard or change them accordingly, if needed.
What is one of the first steps to a more positive future?
Stop dwelling on thoughts of the negative past. Redirect our thinking patterns, throughspiritual practices to change the direction of our path.
Explain Core concept #2 without jargon
Seed, soil, Plant. God is triune or 3-fold in nature, having 3 aspects or modes of Being, Spirit Soul, and Body. Each human being is a projection of this Triune Nature and our thought behind the word is released into the law of mind, creative medium, to out picture as our life.
  1. Place the words within the SOMAS (chart attached) where they belong. Spirit, Body, Effect, Creative Medium, Conscious Mind, Form, Relationships, First Cause, Soul, Manifestation, Unformed substance, Love, Masculine, Feminine, Volition, Servant.
Top- Spirit, First cause, Volition, Concious Mind, Masc/Fem/Love,Unformed Substance--------------------------Middle-Creative Medium, Feminine,Servant,Feminine------Bottom- Body, Effect, Form, Relationship,manifestation,vacation,masc/femine
Discuss your understanding of the difference between blame and personal responsibility.
  1. Blame is usually associated with cause and effect of a false conclusion, usually towards others. It is victimhood of Kingdom I.. It is disempowering and can’t be fixed. It often appears as separation and judgment. Personal Responsibility is taking responsibility for your actions and accepting the consequences that occur from those actions. It allows change to happen through choice and accountability.
In the Science of Mind do we deny a circumstance to know the Truth?
No, Form is not an illusion even when it is the form of disease, it then represents a false conclusion, but is as real as it is suppose to be.”
If God is all there is, how does Science of Mind and Spirit explain cancer,child abuse, disease.
All manifestation , all body is an effect, and is subject to a cause, and what is seen comes from things which are not sen. To say that God is not in these things is to say that there is something other than God. God Is Everywhere Present Always. SOMAS teaches that these 'things' are effects of Law manifesting according to a false belief. There is a Power in the Universe for Good and we can use the Law of Principle to create more Good and to change our circumstances. God is always Present, even when not cognizant of IT. That inside everyone one is the Divine Spark of God that can never be hurt, and is always Whole, Perfect and Complete. We understand that we all have a role in our journey and are co-creators of the conditions of our lives.
What Spiritual Principles would you use with a client to bring resolution to the following human conditions? A) fear of death B) always in debt C) drug addiction. D) loss of job.E)ending of a long term relationship
A)Eternal Life, Oneness,Rememberance b) God is source of all my Good, Absolute Abundance and Prosperity, Wholeness, c) .self realization that there is no substance greater than God, Oneness d)Right action or activity, God is the Source of all things, Life is Evolutionary e). SELF WORTH, WHOLE AND COMPLETE WITHIN SELF, FORGIVENESS, Peace, Release.
Relative to Love and Law, how do you understand your Oneness with God and the Universe?
  1. It is all God and I am the place where God expresses in this process. LOVE POINTS THE WAY AND THE LAW MAKES IT HAPPEN.
According to Ernest Holmes, how does one neutralize the thinking behind an undesirable condition?
Release and Replace. SOM P 183.2 Thought which is built upon a realization of the Divine Presence has the power to neutralize negative thought, to erase it just as light has the power to overcome darkness.
Explain Core concept 3. Without the use of Jargon..
Spirit is the great causitive power. The word of God initiates the great creative Process. In this Process Law is continuously set in motion to create from unformed substance, inumerable forms which follow the thought patterns of spirit. Since the human spirit is one with the universal spirit all hunman thought merges with the One Mind and initiates the creative process.

In the Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes said, “Man must become more if he wishes to draw a greater good into his life.” What is meant by this statement and how does this work?
  1. SOM P 267 We attract to ourselves that which is like our thought, We provide the mold for the Creative Law (our thought) and unless the mold is increased Substance cannot increase in our experience.