Pre Natal Development and Birth

Pre natal development and birth

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Egg - ___ ____ - where hormones are released and ____ prepares itself
Egg - corpus luteum - where hormones are released and uterus prepares itself
First two weeks - most ___ stage of development
First two weeks - most rapid stage of development
First two weeks - complex interaction between ___ and ____
First two weeks - complex interaction between heredity and environment
Egg only lasts __ hours; sperm lasts ___ days
Egg only lasts 24 hours; sperm lasts 6 days
List 3 periods of development
Period of the Zygote
Period of Embryonic Development
Fetal Period of Development
Period of the Zygote:
- starts at moment of ____ and ends at end of ___ week when fertilized egg...
- ___% of zygotes don't survive this period
- ___ and ____ begin to form; keep mom and baby's ___ from ____
- umbilical cord has __ arteries and __ veins
- starts at moment of conception and end at end of 2nd week when fertilized egg has attached to uterine wall
- 30% of zygotes don't survive this period
- umbilical cord and placenta begin to form; keep mom and baby's blood from mixing
- umbilical cord has 2 arteries and 1 vein
Umbilical cord arteries carry ___ ___ the baby and veins carry ___ ___ the baby
Umbilical cord arteries carry waste away from the baby and veins carry nutrients to the baby
Period of Embryonic Development:
- lasts __ weeks: from ____ to ____
- Groundwork for ___ ___ ___ and body ____ being laid out - "_____" for body being made
- embryo very ____
- second month - ___, ____, ect. forming
-lasts 6 weeks: from week 2 to week 8
-groundwork for all major organismcs and body being laid out
- "blueprint" for body being made
- embryo very vulnerable
- second month - ears, eyes, nose etc. forming
Period of Embryonic Development:
- _____ trend of development means...
- _____ tread of development means....
- _____ organs developing
- ___ ___ get absorbed by end of this period
-changes in body ____
- Cephalocaudal trend of development means - things develop from top to bottom (head to foot)
- Proximodistal means - things develop from inside out
- internal organs developing
- yolk sac gets absorbed by end of this period
- changes in body position
Period of Embyonic Development:
- Embryo ___ inches long, can ___/___ with mouth especially
- baby can ___ on its own
- period mom starts to report ____
- Embryo 1 inch long, can feel/touch with mouth especiallys
- baby can move on its own
-period mom starts to report morning sickness
Fetal Period of Development:
- _____ period of development
- week __ to ____
- ___ and finishing phase of development
- incredible ___ spurt between weeks ___ and ___
- ___ month - organs, muscles, ____ system become fully developed/formed/organized
- longest period of development
- week 9 to birth
- growth and finishing phase of development
- incredible growth spurt between weeks 9 and 28
- 3rd month - organs, muscles, nervous system become fully developed/formed/organized
Fetal Period of Development:
- Movements -____, ____, can suck ___
- ___ week - genitals form
- finishing touches - ____, tooth buds, ____/____
-end ___ month - ___ trimester complete
- Movements - growing, kicking, can suck thumb
- 12th week - genitals form
- finishing touches - eyelids, tooth buds, fingernails/toenails
- end third month - 1st trimester complete
2nd trimester: (___-___ weeks) - mom can feel ____
- ___ has formed
- ____ - white, cheeselike substance covers fetus to protect skin from being _____
- ____ -downlike hair that covers fetus allowing fetus to hold onto it, used to protect from chapping
(17-20 weeks) - mom can feel movement
- skin has formed
- VERNIX - white, cheeselike substance that covers fetus to protect skin from being chapped
- LAGUNO - downlike hair that covers fetus allowing fetus to hold onti it, used to protect form chapping
By end of 2nd trimester - nearly all ___ in ___ have been created
-fetus born at this time could not survive (___ and ___ not mature enough)
By end of 2nd trimester - nearly all neurons in brain have been created
-fetus born at this time could not survive (lungs and brain not mature enough)
3rd trimester- (___ to ___ weeks); age of _____; could survive with ______; ____ mature enough
-longer baby stays in womb, better outcome occurs
-brain continues to make strides, developing ____ which....
- max ___ growth
- fetus spending more time ____,scheduels, activity (relates to activity level as _____)
3rd trimester - (22-26 weeks); age of viability; could survive with intervention; brain mature enough
- longer baby stays in womb, better outcome occurs
- brain continues to make strides, developing grooves which maximize surface area
- max brain growth
-fetus spending more time awake, schedules, activity (relates to activity level as infant)