ProProfs Security+ Study Guide--Security Concepts

Flashcards for Security + Day 1-16 Study Guide.

176 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What us CIA?
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
Confidentiality refers to the idea that
information should only be accessible to its intended recipients
Integrity is the idea that
information should arrive at a destination as it was sent
Availability refers to
the idea that information should be available to those authorized to use it.
Type I:
  What you know – Access control methods related to "what you know" include passwords, numeric keys, PIN numbers, secret questions and answers
Type II:
  What you have ,   physical keys or cards, smart cards, and other physical devices
  Type III:
  What you are,   Some high-tech systems may use fingerprints, retinal scans, or even DNA
There are essentially three steps to any access control process.
1. Identification: Who is the user? 2. Authentication: Is the user who he says he is? 3. Authorization: What does the user have permission to do?
Authorization is actually achieved between the reference model
and the Kernel of the operating system
What is Kerberos?
an open-source and widely-accepted method of authentication that works on a shared secret key system with a trusted third par
the system in which a central administrator or administration dictates all of the access to information in a network or system
  MAC: Mandatory Access Control
  the system in which the owners of files actually determine who gets access to the information.
  DAC: Discretionary Access Control
  a system in which the roles of users determine their access to files
  RBAC: Role-Based Access Control
Kerberos uses a Key Distribution Center or KDC to distribute the keys to the parties that wish to communicate then a Ticket Granting Server that
allow for the actual communication between the clients by storing authentication information.
What is one of Kerbos vunerablities?
it makes extensive use of that trusted third party. If the third party is compromised, information confidentiality and integrity may be breached. If the third party simply fails, availability is lost.