Protozoa Review Questions

Malaria, Babesia, Amoebas and more

57 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is malaria form that is created in the liver and then leaves to infect in the blood to infect other cells?
Which malaria species can remain in the liver as hypnozoites in a dormant state?
P. ovale and P. vivax
Put these in order of progression: merozoite, schizont, hypnozoite, sporozoite, trophozoite.
Mosquito bite---sporozoites in blood, travel to liver----form trophozoite, then replication----form schizont----form merozoites----leave liver to infect or stay in liver dormantly as hypnozoites.
What causes the fever cycles in Malaria?
Lysis of RBCs every so hours.
What is the cycle for P.falciparum? P.ovale? P.vivax? P.malariae?
P.falciparum = erratic, but usually 36-48 hours. P.vivax & P.ovale = 48 hours (tertian), P. malariae = 72 hours
What is the difference btwn Relapse and Recrudence of Malaria?
Relapse is due to the hypnozoites in dormant stage in liver activating. Recrudence means you always had parasites in all blood, but in very low #s to have symptoms, but now immunity is down so you have it.
What is the DX for malaria?
Blood smear - you can see the trophozoites and schizonts in the RBCs.
What organ systems will be affected by P. falciparum?
Spleen, Kidneys, Liver, lung capillaries, heart, GI, Brain.
What is the most serious manifestation of P. falciparum?
Cerebral Malaria - extensive plugging of brain vessels by the parasitized RBCs.
What is the transmission vector for Babesia?
Lyme disease ticks (Ixodes scapularis)
What is the difference btwn Babesiosis and Malaria?
Babesia is a hemorrhagic fever just like malaria, but with NO cycles or periodicity. There is NO liver invasion in Babesiosis.
Where are you most likely to find Babesia in the US?
NE - nantucket island, Martha's Vineyard
What drug is used to treat relapses of malaria due to P.ovale and P.vivax?
What is the treatment for P. falciparum in Africa?
Africa = chloroquine-resistant area. Give Doxycyline/Clindamycin + Quinine/Artemesinin Derivative
What is "Malarone" and what is it used for?
Malarone = Atovaquone + Proguanil. Used as Prophylaxis in the chloroquine-resistant areas.