PS 101 Exam 1

This set is about basic psychology. It includes the different approaches to psych.

84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Early psychological approach that emphasized the analysis of immediate experience into basic elements
An early psychological approach that emphasized the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness
A theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy, originally formulated by Freud that emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts
Biological Approach
Focuses on how bodily events affect behavior, feelings and thoughts
What are the Topics of Study of the biological approach?
Nervous system, hormones, brain chemistry, heredity, evolutionary influences
Learning or Behavioral Approach
Concerned with how the environment and experience affect a person's (or a nonhuman animal's) actions
Topics of Study of Behavior Approach?
Environment and experience, environmental determinants of observable behavior, environmental influences, observation and imitation, beliefs and values
Cognitive Approach
Emphasized what goes on in people's heads-how people reason, remember, understand language, solve problems, explain experiences, acquire moral standards, and form beliefs
Cognitive Approach - Topics of Study?
Thinking, memory, language, problem solving, perceptions
Sociocultural Approach
Focuses on social and cultural forces outside the individual, forces that shape every aspect of behavior, from how we kiss to what and where we eat
Topics of Study for sociocultural approach?
Social and cultural contexts, social rules and roles, groups, relationships, cultural norms, values, and expectations
Psychodynamic Approach
Deals with unconscious dynamics within the individual such as inner forces, conflicts, or instinctual energy
Topics of Study for psychodynamic approach?
Unconscious thoughts, desires, conflicts
What are the steps of the scientific method
1. Observation
2. Formulating hypothesis and predictions
3. Testing through empirical research
4. Drawing Conclusions
5. Evaluating Conclusions
When you try to formulate a research question from your observation, it is very important to do what yo?
It is very important to operationally define how your variable will be measured. A variable is anything that can be measured. By establishing an operational definition, you eliminate any grey areas that may arise when thinking about a problem.