PSYCH 2200 Exam 1

PSYCH 2200 james chroback exam 1, uconn spring 2011

69 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Levels of biological interaction
Social, organ level, neural level, brain region, circuit level, cellular level, synaptic level, molecular level
*protein found in axon terminal
-indicates synaptic contacts
Types of neurons
*from neo cortex
*from spinal chord
*from retina
* 6 layers
*contain pyramidal neurons
-all pyramidals use glutamate
*level 2: GABAergic interneurons
*layer 4: thalamocortical neurons
-cortico-cortico input
*layer 5: subcortical output neurons
-to spiny striatal neurons
-i.e to basal ganglia

*receives diffuse NT's:
-NE from locus coeruleus
-serotonin from Raphe nucleus
-dopamine from ventral tegmental nucleus
*inhibitory NT
*excitatory NT
*can act on
-AMPA to allow Na+ flow
-NMDA to open Ca++ channel
- mGlu receptor to activate G protein
*can be:
-amino acids
-other molecules (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin)
Locus coeruleus
* small group of neurons
-project throughout all 6 layers of forebrain
*releases norepinephrine
-supplies most of NE for forebrain
Vagus nerve
*starts in medulla
-innervates intestines, liver, and heart
*takes xray of soft tissues
*measures state of hemoglobin molecules
-oxygenated or deoxygenated
Brain's energy requirements
*uses 25% of total ingest oxygen
*uses 70% of glucose
-metabolically active
Lobes of neocortex
*frontal: primary motor, associative motor areas
*parietal: primary + associative somatosensory areas, visual-spatial association areas
*temporal: primary + associative auditory areas, associative visuel
*occipital: primary + associative visual areas
Central sulcus, sylvian fissure
*divides frontal and parietal lobe
*fissure: divides frontal and parietal from temporal lobe
Sympathetic nerves
*use Ach at preganglionic axon terminals and NE at postganglionic axon terminals