Answer the Following Psychology of Adolescence Flashcards

Roses are red. Violets are blue. I have a pancreas and so do you. 

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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During adolescence, one's self-understanding becomes increasingly
Carl Rogers believed that if the real and ideal selves are extremely discrepant, this is a sign of
In comparison to the self-understanding of children, adolescents' self-understanding is more
  1. abstract.
  2. idealistic.
  3. differentiated.
  4. fluctuating.
  5. all of these
Seventeen-year-old Ashley describes her core self with qualities such as attractiveness and inquisitiveness, while describing traits of anxiousness and selfishness as peripheral to her self. This illustrates what dimension of her self-understanding?
Which dimension of self-understanding most closely relates to the concept of adolescent egocentrism?
The global evaluative dimension of the self defines
Which of the following statements about self-esteem is TRUE?
Self-esteem changes may be related to family cohesiveness.
According to Harter's research, what is the strongest predictor of overall self-esteem in adolescents?
Perceived physical attractiveness
Rick's mother expresses affection, is concerned about Rick's problems, gives him help when he needs it, sets clear and fair rules, and allows Rick freedom within limits. Based on research, Rick is likely to
Have high self-esteem.
Which of the following statements about the relationship between parental behaviors and adolescents' self-esteem is TRUE?
Several parenting attributes are related to high self-esteem in adolescents.
For most adolescents, low self-esteem results in ______________ emotional disturbance.
Harter believes that the previous self-esteem interventions that focused on enhancing one's positive self-evaluations were ineffective and that instead interventions must
Address the causes of self-esteem.
The importance of achievement in improving self-esteem is similar to Bandura's concept of
Which of the following does not improve adolescents' self-esteem?
Avoiding problems
Some contemporary theorists believe that during adolescence, identity development is more characterized by the search for balance between the two needs of autonomy and