Psych 401, Chapter 7 "Psychodynamic and Humanistic Psychotherapies"

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Why are psychodynamic and humanistic treatments both considered relational approaches?
Both place strong emphasis on the role of the therapeutic relationship in treatment.
What is the structural/topographical model of the mind?
The continuum from unconscious, to preconscious, to conscious - fundamental to understanding Freud's views of personality.
What are the six primary ideas in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, according to Shelder?
1) Unconscious mental life2) The Mind in conflict3) The Past is Alive in the Present 4) Transference5) Defense6) Psychological Causation
Why does transference occur?
Client's past relationships - especially early, significant past relationships such as those with one's caregivers - create a set of expectations and anticipatory reactions for future relationships.
Client's reactions are a demonstration of his or her habitual, internalized, and unconsciously motivated adaptations to relationship conflicts.
Emotional, the therapy situation is not unlike childhood. Therefore, clients are especially likely to replay their earlier emotional scripts in therapy.
What is countertransference?
When therapists' reactions toward clients are based on the therapist's personal history and conflicts.
What is psychic determinism?
The idea that memories, impressions, or experiences that occur together in a client's mind are necessarily related and not random.
What is resistance?

The phenomenon often encountered in clinical practice in which patients either directly or indirectly oppose changing their behavior or refuse to discuss, remember, or think about presumably clinically relevant experiences. May take the form of 'forgetting' an appointment, experiencing panic, intellectualizing, becoming emotionally detached etc.
What is interpretation? How is it related to insight?
Involves the analyst suggesting connections between patients' current experiences and their historically based conflicts.
Optimal interpretation would be of transference reactions that can be related to the client's current difficulties outside of therapy and also to historical forces in the client's past.
Insight: When explanation is accurate and the client is ready to process it, he or she may see a particular behavior pattern or problem in a new way.
What are the three main goals of psychoanalytic treatment, according to the book?
A) Intellectual and emotional insight into the underlying causes of the client's problemsb) Working through or fully exploring the implications of those insights (Freud saw this as particularly important)c) Strengthening the ego's control over the id and superego
What sort of assessment instruments are used in psychoanalysis?
Structured interviews are reserved for making diagnoses only when necessary for insurance etc.
Most likely to rely on interview data and sometimes projective tests.
What is free association?
Has a single, fundamental rule: the client should say everything that comes to mind without editing or censorship.
What is the role of the therapist in psychodynamic psychotherapy?
The therapist remains purposely opaque, much like a blank movie screen, so that clients can be free to project onto the therapist the attributes and motives that are unconsciously associated with parents and other important people in their lives.
Psychoanalysts understand the importance of creating emotional safety in the therapeutic relationship - they are reflective and empathic in their comments.
What sort of attention to psychoanalysts pay to everyday behavior?
They try to maintain 'evenly divided' or 'free-floating' attention to trivial as well as momentous events, to purposeful acts and accidental happenings, to body language as well as spoken language.
What is dream work?
The process of transforming unacceptable material into acceptable manifest content.
How are dreams commonly dealt with in psychoanalysis?
Client free associates to a dream's manifest content, kn the process perhaps revealing unconscious material