Psycholody Midterm--Learning

Questions about learning 

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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In classical conditioning, any behavior that is learned thru the association of two stimuli--the condtitioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned behavior
In classical conditioning, any behavior that occurs naturally or reflexively to an unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned behavior
Variations in the arrangement b/t behavior and reinforce delivery
Schedules of reinforcement
A response produces a reinforcer after an average amount of time has passed
Variable interval
A response produces a reinforcer after a fixed amount of time has passed
Fixed interval
On average, the Nth response produces a reinforcer
Variable ratio
A reinforcer is delivered after every Nth response
Fixed ratio
What schedule of reinforcement has the highest rate of response?
Variable ratio
Any stimulus that is contingent ofn behavior that increases the future likelihood of that behavior (effects on behavior)
Positive reinforcement
Any stimulus, which is contingent on avoidance or escape behavior, which increases the future likelihood of that behavior (avoiding something aversive and being successful at it)
Negative reinforcement
Receiving an unleasant stimulus as a result of behavior, which then reduces the likelihood of the behavior that produced it (giving something, like a spanking)
Positive punishment
Losing a pleasant stimulus as a result of behavior, reducing the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated (take something away, like being grounded)
Negative punishment
Repeated or prolonged exposure to a stimulus results in a gradual reduction in responding
The phase when the CS and the US are presented together
When the US has acquired its ability to produce leraning from an earlier procedure in which it was used as a CS
Second-order conditioning