Psychology 101

3/4 of the way through the course

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Write Piaget's four stages of cognitive development in order.
Sensory-Motor Pre-Operational Concrete Formal
Games like Peek-A-Boo and Hide and Seek are especially worthwhile activities for babies because it helps them develop a sense of
Object Permanence
According to Piaget, the stage of cognitive development between 2 and 7 years of age, in which the individual becomes able to use mental representations and language to describe, remember, and reason about the world, though only in an egocentric fashion, is the ___________ stage.
According to Piaget, abstract thinking doesn't begin until which stage?
The mother of a young child who didn't like to drink milk was trying to coax him to drink some. Taking the glass of milk, she poured it all into a cmaller cup and said, "Now you don't have to drink as much". This works because the child does not yet understand the principles of __________.
Ann is 5 years old and entering kindergarten. According to Erikson, her main task is to develop a sense of ________
Erik is a newborn. According to Erikson, his main task will be to develop a sense of ________
Erikson's theory of social development viewed the ages of 2 to 3, his second stage, as being characterized by the major challenge of _________.
Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt
Jermey is 18 years old. According to Erikson, his chief taks will be acquiring a sense of _______.
Jane is 40 years old. Her main task, according to Erikson, will be to develop a sense of ________.
Mental health professionals evaluate psychological disorders based on:
Personality characteristics Personal discomfort Life functioning
We only start to diagnose when we see :
Quantitative, measurable differences.
Which Model is this: Due to physiological issues like your nervous system, glands, genetics, neurotransmitters, any disorders would fall under this category.
Which Model is this: Expression of unconscious conflicts traced to childhood. There is weak evidence to support this because it's UN-TESTABLE. Clearly and EVENT had an impact.
Which model is this: Issues from learned behaviors (they can be un-learned). Similar to self-fulfilling prophecy.
Cognitive-Behavioral Model