Psychology 218 Statistics in Behavioral Sciences (BEFORE MIDTERM 1)

Psych 218 Course

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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Explain "being in the 75% percentile"
It means 75% of ppl scored LOWER than you
What does a quartile mean (*double check this*)
Quartiles refer to 25% percentiles. 1st quartile is 25% percentile, 2nd quartile is 50% and so on so forth
What is the code for 50th percentile
Give examples of nominal graph
IQ and height of one gender
Give examples of binominal graph
Height of both genders (see handwritten notes) and results of college students on a calculus test of both those that didnt score high enough for uni and those who CHOSe to stay at college due to convenience even though accepted