Psychology Chapter 1

Study Guide Quiz for Chapter 1

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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The early roots of psychology are firmly planted in philosophy and:
Historians generally credit the official emergence of psychology as a science to:
William James is to __ as Wihelm Wundt is to ___
Functionalism; Structuralism
Structuralist psychologists' beliefs were diametrically opposed to what ____ psychologists believed
Humanistic psychologists accented the ____, whereas Freud's view of human nature was largely _______
Optimistic; pessimistic
Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, is beset known for his:
Experiments with salivating dogs
According to principles of reinforcement, smiley faces would be:
Positive reinforcement
Wilhelm Wundt is to structuralism as Jean Piaget is to:
Cognitive psychology
Dr. Dixon studies what makes adolescents conform to the behaviors and opinions of other adolescents. Which area of psychology this best represent?
Social psychology
The American psychological association was formed in:
1892 on the campus of Clark University
Nurture is to nature as experience is to:
The first laboratory devoted exclusively to psychology as an independent field of study opened in:
Leipzing in 1879
Which school of psychology was most concerned with the adaptive importance of mental processes?
Edward Titchener is to Sigmund Freud as ______ is to _______
Inner sensations; the unconscious
The branch of psychology that emphasizes the positive potential of human beings is called:
Humanistic psychology