Psychology: Chapter 2

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What two cells types make up the brain?
Neruons and glial cells.
What are neurons?
Neurons have dendrites (which recieve input), a soma (cell body), and have axons (which carry the neural message to other cells).
What are glial cells?
Glial cells separate, support, and insulate the neurons from each other and makes up 90% of the brain.
What is Myelin?
Myelin insulates and protects the axons of neurons that travel in the body, and speeds up neural messages.
What are nerves?
Bundles of axon cables
What is neurolemma?
Allows nerves to repair themselves, in teh peripheral nervous system
First known neurotransmitter.
Acetylcholine, which stimulates musclesand helps memory formation (curare blocks effects)
What is GABA?
Major inhibitory neurotransmitter (realeased when drinking alcohol).
What is seritonine associated with?
Sleep, mood, and apetite
What is dopamine associated with?
Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia
What are endorphins?
Regulators that control our pain response
What funtions do the spinal cord serve?
The outter park transmits messages to and from the brain. The inner part controls lifesaving reflexes such as pain response.
What neruons are involves in spinal cord refelxes?
Afferent neurons, interneurons, and effernt neurons, forming a simple refelx arc.
What is teh peripheral nervous system?
All the neurons and nerves that are not part of the brain and spinal cord and that extend throughout the body.
What are the two branches of the peripheral ns?
Somatic and autonomic