Psychology Chapter 5

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The process by which we transform what we percieve, think, or feel into an enduring memory is called:
Visual imagery encoding works effectively because:
You can more easily relate new information to knowledge already in memory
In this list of words (peach, umbrella, orange) the word ___ is the only one most easily remembered because of _______
Umbrella; organizational differences
Short-term memory can hold
Approx 7 meaningful items
Active maintenance of info in short-term memory is referred to as
Working memory
The process of bringing to mind information that has been previously encoded and stored is called:
When taking test in physics, art was unable to remember many ?s, even though he was certain that he knew the answers before. advice?
You were hungry last night when you were studying so you should not have eaten a big breakfast before the test.
Emily said that she vividly remembered the day she turned twenty one. this is an example of:
Explicit memory
Absentmindedness is often a failure of:
Prospective memory
When asked if she remembers meeting joe, she says "sure, lacrosse guy" but he doesnt really play lacrose. this failure of memory is:
Memory misattribution
_______ is the ability to store and retrieve information over time
The main reason Markus, who is 35 years old, remembers his 16th birthday so clearly is b/c:
That was the day he was able to get his driver's licence
The term for where sensory information is kept for only a few seconds or less is:
Sensory memory stage
The process of keeping information in short-term memory by mentally keeping it is called:
A term for where information can be kept for hours, days, weeks, or years is:
Long-term memory store