Psychology: Defense Mechanisms; Id, Ego, Superego

Defense Mechanisms; Id, Ego, Superego

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

Cards In This Set

Front Back
- Emphasizing personal strengths in one area to shift focus from failure in another area
- Refusing to accept an unpleasant reality
- Taking out one's anger or frustration on an object or person that has a smaller price to pay
- Associating with people of a higher status in order to increase your status- "If you can't beat them join them"
- Describing painful or unfortunate situations in academic or philosophical terms
- You believe another person has the feelings / beliefs you are not expressing- Casting your true feelings onto someone else; blaming them for your feelings
- To give a logical reason for an illogical behavior- An excuse you believe to be true
Reaction Formation
- You express the opposite of your true (unconscious) thoughts so they become socially acceptable
- To regress or return to an old, childhood behavior for comfort
- To keep material out of awareness / consciousness because it is too painful to accept or recall
- Finding an acceptable outlet through exercise or physical activity as a substitute for sexual or aggressive feelings / energy
- Our baby-like self- Wants immediate gratification- Libido "pleasure principle"- Irrational- "Stewie"
- Deals with reality "reality principle"- Has to negotiate the demands of the Id with the reality of living in society- Rational- Goes out into the "world of objects"- Creates defense mechanisms to avoid anxiety
- Moral center "should" "should not"- Where we internalize the moral code of society- Guilt caused by unconscious- Partly conscious, partly unconscious- Irrational; strives for moral perfection