Psychology Exam 1

Chapters 1 and 2 for Psychology 101

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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The scientific study of mind and behavior.
· Psychology had its early roots in what 2 disciplines?
Physiology and philosophy
Nativism emphasizes the effects of what on behavior?
The belief that accurate knowledge can be acquired through experience.
Pointing to a specific spot on the skull and identifying a certain behavior
· Research by Flourens and Broca showed what?
Mind and body were linked through the pineal glad.
· The first psychology lab was in what city and established in what year?
Berlin 1889
The analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind.
· Who set up the first psychology lab in the US?'
· What school of thought did William James follow?
· What does the psychoanalytic theory emphasize?
The importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
· Who’s view of human nature was largely negative? Who’s was positive?
Negative - FreudPositive - Humanistic psychologists
· What did the humanistic school of psychology emphasize?
The positive potential of human beings.
· What school focused on only studying observable behavior?
What is Ivan Pavlov known for?
Dog salivation