Psychology Test Four Chapter Chapter 13

Psychology test four chapter 13

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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1. What is the goal of psychoanalysis?
Uncover repressed memories, bring unresolved, unconscious conflicts to the consciousness
2. Describe the following techniques used to reach this goal: free association, analysis of resistance, dream analysis, analysis of transference
ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERENCE= Patient transfers their feelings about important person onto therapist. This allows for the person to walk through their feelings in a safe environment FREE ASSOCIATION= Patient reveals anything that comes to mind. Analyst then explains the meaningANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE= Attempts to avoid revealing, painful/ embarrassing thoughts or feelings. These can be used as positives if analyst brings them to lightDREAM ANALYSIS = analyzing dreams. Goal is to turn interpret latent content (hidden meanings) and not manifest content (visible meaning
What is client-centered therapy and what is its goal? What is meant by unconditional positive regard?
CLIENT CENTERED THERAPY= a non directive therapy based on insights gained fro conscious thoughts and feelings; emphasizes accepting your true selfUNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD= Therapist refuses to react with shock, dismay or disapproval and is totally accepting
2. What are existential therapy 549
EXISTENTIAL THERAPY= focuses on the problems of existence for example death, meaning choice and emphasizes making courageous life choices and finding your true self and meaning
Gestalt therapy And How does it differ from Existential therapy?
GESALT= Focuses on immediate emotions (emotions that are happening right now) and breaking through barriers. For example, someone might go years without fully expressing the death of a parent.Emphasizes present experience. Live in the present
EXISTENTIAL THERAPHY focuses on becoming your true self and you can chose to be the person that you want to be
How is behavior therapy used to treat anxiety disorders and what is counter conditioning?
BEHAVIOR THERAPY is the use of learning principles to make changes; you can relearn better behaviorGoal is to change maladaptive behaviorCOUNTER CONDITIONING= Condition a new response to a stimulus that trigger unwanted behavior
2. What is aversion therapy and what behaviors is it used to treat?
AVERSION THERAPY= a negative stimulus is paired with undesirable behavior until behavior is associated with pain or discomfort. Usually relating to habits or alcoholism or drugs or tobacco ie put bad tasting stuff on fingernails, you bite an apple and eat a worm cant even eat worms again
What is systematic desensitization and what is it used to treat?
SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION is used to unlearn phobias usually. HIERARCHY= IE scared of spider: first show picture of spider then show spider in cage then have therapist hold it then you hold it relaxation is important
4. What are exposure therapy and exposure response prevention therapy?
EXPOSURE THERAPY=Used to treat phobias. Patient is exposed to feared object or event all at onceEXPOSURE RESPONSE THERAPY= used to treat OCD. expose patient to object or situation that trigger obessions or compulsions. then resist. IE clean person forced to touch doorknobs
5. What role does reinforcement play in behavior therapy? 558 What are token economies and how are they used to treat behavior?
TOKEN ECONOMIES= reinforce desirable behaviors with tokens that can be exchanged for good stuff IE trading "forced to take a shower" for cigaretsTIME OUT= refusing to pay attention to someone ie someone walks out naked and you just ignore them
6. Which therapies are based on operant conditioning and which ones are based on classical conditioning? token economies,exposure reponse response prevention, exposure, aversion therapy, systematic dysensation, time out
Everything beside time out and token economies are classical
1. What is the goal of cognitive therapy?
Helps clients change thinking patters that lead to troublesome emotions IE treating an OCD hand washer by giving them info about dirt/contamination
2. What are the major distortions of thinking proposed by Beck? overgeneralization, selective perception, all or nothing thinking
Beck believes that people see the world in a negative lightSELECTIVE PERCEPTION= IE if 5 good things happen and 3 bad things happen then they will focus only on the bad thingsOVERGENERALIZATION= you fail a test, you are a failure in lifeALL OR NOTHING THINKING= see things as completely bad, right or wrong and themselves as either successful or failing miserably
3. Describe rational-emotive therapy and what the letters ABC stand for.
RATIONAL EMOTIVE THERAPY= attempts to change irrationalA= advocating experience IE what caused CC= emotional consequencesB=Irrational and ridiculous beliefs
1. What is Psychosurgery: What is a prefrontal lobotomy and how does it differ from deep lesioning?
PSYCHOSURGERY= involves removal or destruction of brain tissuePREFONTAL LABOTOMY= Severing nerve fibers that connect frontal lobes to limbic systemDEEP LESIONING= involves making small lesions to specific regions of the brain