Explain The Art of Public Speaking Flashcards

Here is a list of flashcards which is based on the Explain The Art of Public Speaking in the form of flashcards quizzes. Try to attempt these quizzes and check your Explain The Art of Public Speaking knowledge with our Flashcards.

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 200

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1. How does language help create our sense of reality?
language does not mirror reality. It helps us create sense of reality by giving meaning to events. The words we use to label and event determine how we respond to it
1. What is the difference between denotative and connotative meaning? How might you use each to convey your message most effectively?
Denotative is the literal or dictionary meaning of a word or phrase
-precise, literal and objective
-ex. A school is a place, institution or building where instruction is given
Connotative is the meaning suggested by the associations or emotions triggered by a word or phrase
-variable, figurative and subjective. The meaning suggests or implies
-ex. A school connotes personal growth, childhood friends, special teachers, frustration, discipline, boring homework assignments, etc.
1. What are the four criteria for using language effectively in your speeches?
1. use language accurately
2. use language clearly
3. use language vividly
4. use language appropriately
1. What are the three things you should do to use language clearly in your speeches?
1. Use familiar words
2. Choose concrete words
3. Eliminate clutter
1. What are two ways to bring your speeches to life with vivid, animated language?
1. Use imagery
a. Similes
b. Metaphors
c. Avoid clichés
2. Use rhythm
a. Use parallelism (arrangement of a pair or series of related words phrases or sentences)
b. Repetition
c. Alliteration
d. Antithesis
1. What does it mean to say you should use language appropriately in your speeches?
-language should be appropriate to the occasion, to the audience, to the topic and to the speaker
1. Why is it important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? What four usages of include language have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?
-inclusive language does not stereotype, demean, patronize, etc.
-it is important to use because the US is so diverse and must be respectful to all
1. Avoid generic “he”
2. Avoid the use of “man” when referring to both men and women
3. Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender
4. Use names that group use to identify themselves
1. What are the three purposes of a speech of introduction? What guidelines should you follow in preparing such a speech?
a. To build enthusiasm for the upcoming speaker
b. To build enthusiasm for the speakers’ topic
c. To establish a welcoming climate that will boost the speakers’ credibility

- Must: be brief, make sure your remarks are completely accurate, adapt your remarks to the occasion, adapt your remarks to the main speaker, adapt your remarks to the audience, create a sense of anticipation and drama
1. What is the main theme of a speech of presentation? Depending on the audience and occasion, what two other themes might you include in such a speech?
-it is used to tell the audience why the recipient is receiving the award
-depending on audience and occasion:
a. if audience is not familiar with award, explain is briefly
b. if the award was won in a public competition and the audience knows who the losers are, take a moment to praise the losers.
1. What are the three major traits of a good acceptance speech?
a. Brevity
b. Humility
c. Graciousness
1. What is the fundamental purpose of a commemorative speech? Why does a successful commemorative speech depend so much on the creative and subtle use of language?
-Purpose-not to inform listeners but to inspire them, around and heighten their appreciation for the person, institution or idea you are praising
-depends on creative and subtle language because the success of the speech depends on the language and thoughts being appropriately aligned with the occasion
-a commemorative speech is like an impressionist painting, as it should capture a mood or moment through the use of language.