Public Speaking Test 2

Always remember what Jesus has done for you!

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What is brainstorming?
Coming up with an idea quickly without being critical
General and specific
General purpose
Persuasive, informative, entertaining
Specific purpose
What I want to achieve as a speaker
Guidelines for specific purposes
Begin with infinitive, have reference to audience, make statement precise and limit to one major idea, make sure you can achieve your objective in time given, don't be too technical
Central idea
Core of my speech, what my listeners are going to take from my presentation, limit to 1 sentence
What are characteristics of high-quality information
1. factual 2. reliable 3. well supported 4. current 5. verafiable 6. fair 7. comprehension
What is anecdotal evidence, and why does it fail to constitute proof of assertion?
Short account of what happened; summary, not source
How do opinions differ from facts?
Facts can be proven
Why should one than one source be consulted
One source might be wrong, need multiple sources to support
Why are polls unreliable?
Some people are dishonest in answering only represent portion of population, phrasing of question could change answer
What are the domain names for commercial, non profit, and educational websites?
.com; .org; .edu
What is meant by public domain?
Owned by community at large, unprotected by patent or copy right(before 1923)
Define fair use
Loop-hole in copy right laws
What can be made of a product that is royalty free?
Artwork and media work-right to use; free of restrictions or fees