Pulmonary Function Test

Sputum Bowl prep

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What volume can you obtain by subtracting expiratory reserve volume from functional residual volume?
Residual Volume
Closing capacity is equal to what percentage of TLC?
Closing volume plus residual volume and is expressed as a percentage of TLC (30% of TLC)
The single breath nitrogen test is also called what?
Resident gas technique
What is the amount of time required to washout the lungs in the nitrogen washout test?
7 minutes
What percent of the vital capacity is the expiratory reserve volume?
20-25% of vital capacity
What test is used to measure closing volume?
Single breath nitrogen washout
In a single breath nitrogen washout curve, phase 4 indicates what?
It is the volume referred to as closing volume
In a normal healthy adult, what percentage of the vital capacity is closing volume equal to?
Define EPP ( equal pressure point)
The point at which pleural pressure and intraluminal pressure are equal
What is the major disadvantage of the helium dilution closed circuit equilibration method for determining lung volume?
Alveolar gas may be trapped in the lungs of patients with obstructive airway disease. Therefore all the helium may not washout causing the volume to be lower.
State the normal value for the volume of isoflow
Less than 10% of VC
What is the formula for determination of normal vital capacity for males?
VC=27.63 - (0.112 x age) x ( height in cm)
Peripheral airways contribute what percentage tot total airway resitence in the normal lung?
About 10 - 20%
How are the changes in the thoracic gas volume measured with the variable volume plethysmograph?
How are the changes in lung volumes calculated with the variable pressure plethysmograph?
Pressure transducer