Putting Together a Complete Fitness Program

In relation t o my Fit

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The steps in developing a personal fitness program.
1. Set Goals 2. Select Activities 3. Set a target frequency, intensity, and time for each activity. 4. Set up a system of mini-goals and rewards. 5. Include lifestyle physical activity in your program. 6. Develop tools for monitoring your progress. 7. Make a commitment.
What types of goals do you set?
- long term and short term - general and specific - realistic
When will fitness improve most quickly?
Within the first 6 months of being starting a fitness program
What are the 5 components of health-related fitness?
- Cardiorespiratory endurance - Muscular strength - Muscular endurance - Flexibility - Healthy body composition
What is cross-training?
The selection of one activity from each component of health-related fitness.
What to consider when choosing an activity
- fun and interest - your current skill and fitness level - time and convenience - cost - any special health needs
When choosing footwear...
- consider activities, location, and intensity of workout - consider foot type - check fit and style carefully - shop late in the day or after exercise - wear socks that you plan to wear during exercise - replace shoes every 3 months or every 300-500 miles
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training F.I.T.T.
F: 3-5 days per week I: 55/65-95% of mhr T: 20-60 minutes per week of sessions lasting 10+ mins T: continuous rhythmic activities using large muscle groups
Strength Training F.I.T.T.
F: 2-3 nonconsecutive days per week I: sufficient resistance to fatigue muscles T: 8-12 repetions of each exercise; 1+ sets T: resistance exercise for all muscle groups
Flexibility Training F.I.T.T.
F: 2-3 days per week (min); 5-7 days per week (ideal) I: stretch to the point of tension T: 2-4 reps of each held for 15-30 seconds T: stretching exercises for all major joints
When putting your plan into action...
- Start slowly and increase fitness gradually *Increase duration before intensity - Find an exercise buddy who shares your goals - Ask for support - Vary activities (cross-training) - Cycle the volume and intensity of your workouts *periodization -- light and heavy days - Adapt to changing environments and schedules - Expect fluctuations and lapses
- Be safe - Have several exercise options - Keep an exercise journal - Reward yourself - Choose other healthy lifestyle behaviors
When exercising with Arthritis...
- Begin program early in course of disease - Warm up thoroughly - Avoid high-impact activities - Strength-train for the entire body - Perform flexibility exercises
When exercising with Asthma...
- Exercise regularly - Carry medication - Warm up and cool down slowly - Choose self-paced endurance activities; *interval training is appropriate - Drink water - Watch for pollen and pollution in the air
When exercising with Diabetes...
- Begin only if it's under control - Don't exercise alone - Follow your physician's recommendations - Check blood sugar levels regularly and respond appropriately - Inject insulin into muscles not being worked - Choose low- to moderate-intensity workouts - Wear an indentifying bracelet