Psychology Test 1 Flashcards

Here is the list of Flashcards based on Psychology Test 1. Check your psychology topic knowledge with these Flashcards and answer the questions.

75 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Unconscious fear produced by which part of the brain seems to explain why people who survive horrible experiences, such as a plane crash or combat during war, can have debilitating fears years later?
Which brain area was the earliest layer of the forebrain to develop during evolution and helps organize basic survival responses in lower animals, such as feeding, fleeing, fighting, and reproduction?
Limbic system
In their experiments on the brain and perceptual features, Blakemore, Cooper, Grobstein, and Chow found that the kittens raised in the horizontally-striped rooms
Bumped into chair legs.
Listening to certain pieces of music can send shivers down your spine because it activates which area of the brain?
Limbic system
The order of sensitivity to the four basic taste sensations from LEAST to MOST sensitive is
Sweet, salt, sour, bitter.
Bobby cut his finger while slicing a tomato. The first pain message he received
Quickly disappeared.
After successfully running into the cabin from the large, snarling, drooling grizzly bear that was headed in your direction, you pause to catch your breath and collect your wits. The physical symptoms you now experience are controlled by the
Parasympathetic branch.
During a lecture when students receive information through their eyes from the notes on the screen and information through their ears as the instructor lectures, the information will first travel through neurons within which nervous system?
Which of the following principles of perception would be most useful for those intending to camouflage military vehicles?
Carrie has experienced brain damage to her left hemisphere. She will most likely experience difficulty with which ability?
Judging time and rhythm
Sarita is making out a written plan for the week in which she lists the times for sleep, meals, work, class, and study. She then uses this plan as a checklist so that at a glance she can tell which tasks are done and which still need attention. Sarita is making out a(n)
Weekly time schedule.
In general, which of the following would tend to decrease pain?
Having some control over the pain
A person who knows how to maintain attention, avoid distractions, and skillfully gather information from class lectures would be described as a(n) __________ listener
Which of the following is NOT considered a basic function of the brain?
Reordering the genetic code during organogenesis
The vestibular sense helps keep us from
Falling over.