Questions for The Horse and His Boy

C.S Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What was the point of escaping Tashbaan?
One of many reasons, of escaping Tashbaan was to move to a more peaceful village, Narnia. Due to many reasons of violence and attackers (corrupt guards)
How did Shasta find the Horse?
Shasta found the horse unexpectedly when escaping until he saw the horse approach him. And unusually started to talk.
Why Narnia?
Shasta chose Narnia because the Talking Horse, Bree, told him of a great land of Narnia. So Shasta chose to go.
How did you meet Aravis?
Shasta met Aravis by seeing her kept captive in a prison line. Being captured by a group of corrupt gurads/ government.
Why journey so far for just peace?
Shasta and Aravis set out to together because of dangers of the local society where they once lived in.
How did Shasta get lost in the dessert?
" 'And anyway,' he thought, 'of course they'll be round on the far side of the farthest Tomb' "
How did the horses get attacked by a lion?
" 'I did think we'd be safe from lions here!'
How was the reaction when Shasta saw a talking animal around Narnia?
" ' Good morning, neighbor' ""Indeed it was a hedgehog"
How was the fight in Anvard?
"And now a gallop. The ground between the two armies grew less every moment." " Cats?" "No, great leopards"
How did Rabadash become a donkey?
Rabadash "Let the skies fall" " Let the Earth gape"Aslan "The Hour has Struck"