Race and Gender

Race and gene r falsh

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A meritocracy is a system in which rewards are distributed solely based upon a person's merit. We know that our system is NOT a meritocracy because some people get their resources through
'epistemic privilege' means
The luxury of being obliviosness to one's own privilege.
Prejudice is
Prejudgment without knowledge
Discrimination is
An act of differential treatment
Race is socially constructed. That means it is determined by
The dominant group in society has
The most power also known as majority.
Johnson uses the game of Monopoly to demonstrate the meaning of 'social system
Used to represent following the path/the norm/the path of least resistance
Socialization leads us to...
...taking the path of least resistance
Johnson believes that human beings are prisoners to a natural order that pits us against each other. true or false.
What is the point Parrillo makes in each chapter
Diversity if still present and has always been present.
What is wrong with the way we describe issues in the past?
We use terms that are common today that may have never even been established in that time.
Matrilinial is...
Power passes through the mother.
Matrilocal is...
Everyone lives with their mothers, if you get married you llive with the bride and her family.
Grandfather clauses are...
Can only vote if their grandfather can vote, eliminating blacks and imigrants from the right to vote.
Poll taxes are...
Taxes to keep the poor from voting