Random NCLEX/ Fluid and Electrolytes

Random NCLEX/ Fluid and Electrolytes

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Front Back
Pulmonary TB assessment
-fevers in afternoon
-frequent coughing
-bloody sputum
-weight loss
Calcium level
135-145 mEq/L
Calcium food sources
canned food
lunch meat
processed food
snack food
soy sauce
table salt
white/whole wheat bread
Suprapubic prostatectomy
2 tubes: cath and suprapubic drainage tube. Both should drain bloody urine. if he yells "Take that tube out of me right now!" he could have a clot
Train wreck this morning: which patient is stable to be moved? from surgical to peds- which skills does nurse have?
Total knee replacement
Needs special equipment; passive ROM
Spinal stenosis postop
Requires careful positioning
Pt in PACU, major abd sx this morning. Patient vomits. which are we most concerned with? -electrolyte imbalance -wound contamination -aspiration -dehiscence
Aspiration because patient is not likely to be fully conscious
Pt major abd sx yesterday, vomiting frequently. most concerned with? -electrolyte imbalance -wound contamination -aspiration -dehiscence
Electrolyte imbalance bc vomiting frequently
Pt admitted immediately following CVA. Which goal is priority? -maintain skin integrity -be continent of urine -have clear lungs upon auscultation -maintain joint mobility
Clear lungs upon auscultation
4 y/o constantly scratching anus. pinworms suspected. INITIAL: -identify organism -collect stool specimen -prevent reinfection -notify health dept
When you hear INITIAL think ASSESSMENT (1&2) stool specimen doesnt dx pinworms. need to identify organism
Adult acute glomerulonephritis complains of thirst. Offer client: -hard candy -cup of broth -milkshake -glass of ginger ale
Think odd man wins -hard candy can't give pt liquids
Thyroid crisis
Odd man wins! rapid pulse! thyroid controls metabolic rate
Chronic glomerulonephritis. which CM would not be observed when in stage of diminshed renal reserve? -polyuria -high BUN -polydipsia -noctura
Odd man wins high BUN
Probable hep A. Initial symptom? -icterus -jaundice -pruritis -nausea
Nausea. Starts with GI odd man wins!