Random Occupational Therapy Quiz Flashcards

Here is the list of flashcards which is based on the Random Occupational Therapy Quiz in the form of flashcard quizzes. Try to attempt these quizzes and gain some knowledge of Random Occupational Therapy Quiz.

159 cards   |   Total Attempts: 206

Cards In This Set

Front Back
First Published by Jean Ayres, it is widely used on children and adult who have sensory processing difficulties?
Sensory Integration
In what year was the profession of occupational therapy founded?
Activities that are oriented toward taking care of one's own body? These activities are fundamental to living in a social world:they enable basic survival and well-being.
Various Kinds of life activities in which people, populations, or organizations engage, including ADL, IADL, rest and sleep, education, work, play, leisure, and social participation?
Areas of occupation
Obtaining and using supplies;soaping, rinsing, and drying body parts; maintianing bathing position; and transferring to and from bathing position?
ADL/ Area of Occupation/ Bathing,showering
Includes completing intention control of bowel movements and urinary bladder and , if necessary, using equipment or agents for bladder control
ADL/ Area of Occupation/ Bowel and bladder management
Selecting clothing and accesories appropriate to time of day, weath, and occasion; obtaining clothing form storage area; dressing and undressing in a sequential fashion;fastening and adgusting clothing and shoes; and applying and removing personal devices, procthesis, or orthoses.
ADL/ Area of Occupation/ Dressing
The ability to keep and manipulate food or fluid in the mouth and swallow it; eating and swallowing are often used interchangeably?
ADL/ Area of Occupation/ EATING
The process of setting up, arranging, and bringing food from the plate or cup to the mouth; sometimes called self-feeding?
ADL/ Area of Occupation/ FEEDING
Moving from one position or place to another, such as in-bed mobility, wheelchair mobility, and transfers. (Bed, car, wheelchair,tub, toilet, floor, tub/shower)
ADL/ Area of Occupation/ Functional Mobility
Using, cleaning and mainting personal care items, such as hering aids, contact lenses, glasses, orthotics, protheitics, adaptive equipment, and contraceptive and sexual devices?
ADLs/ Area of Occupation/ Personal device care
Obtainging and using suplies; removing body hari (e.g. use of razors, twezers, lotions); applying an dremoving cosmetics; washing, drying, combing, styling, brushing, and trimming harie; caring for nailes(hand and feet); caring for skin, ears, eyes, and nose; applying deodorant; cleaning mouth; brushing and flossing teeth; or removing, cleaning, and reinserting dental orthotics and prosthetics?
ADL/ Area of occupation/ Personal Hygiene and grooming
Engaging in activities that result in sexual staisfaction
ADL/ Area of occupation/ Sexual Activity
Obtaining and using supplies; clothing managemtn; maintiang toileting postion; transferring to and from toileting position; cleaning body; and caring for menstrual and continence needs ( catheters, colostomies, and supository management)
ADL/ Area of occupation/ Toilet and Hygiene
Activities to support daily life withing the home and community that often require more complex interactins that self-care using in ADL.
Instrumental ADL