Rates, Ratios, and Proportions

Math Vocabulary

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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A comparison between 2 quantities where the units are the SAME.
A special ratio where the units may be different.
Unit Rate
The amount of the value for one unit.
Rate Table
A two column table showing the number of units in the first column and the value for that many units in the second column.
Constant Rate
...When the same rate is repeated.
The horizontal number line on a coordinate plane.
The vertical number line on a coordinate plane.
Coordinate Plame
A plane, Broken up into a grid, with vertical and horizontal lines. It is used to plot locations in space.
Ordered Pair
2 numbers, separated by a comma all inside parentheses! The address for a point on the coordinate plane.
Basic Ratio
A ratio in simplest form- no other factors besides one can go into it.
Equivalent Ratios
Ratios that are multiples of the basic ratio.
Two ratios that are equivalent to each other.