Religion Chapter 1 Test


28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the 2 natures of the church?
God's goal and God's plan for us
Who is the founder of the Church?
Jesus Christ
How does the Holy Spirit Dwell in us?
What is the Mystical Body of Christ?
All members being guided and directed by Christ
How is Jesus alive and acting in the world today?
What is the Church?
The people of god; a community of deciples
Jesus loved us so much he died for us. He constantly cares for us and gives us gifts. this image is?
The Bride of Christ
All members of the church; god's family.. this image is?
Body of Christ
The power of Jesus spreads through the whole world.. image is?
Jesus is the sheppard..we are his sheep.. this image is?
God dwells in his family in the church; Jesus is the cornerstone and we are the living stones that build it.. image?
The best image; bringing about the birth of believers in the Church
Jesus is the vine; the members of the church are the branches
Vine and branches
How is the Church a temple?
God dwells in his family in the church; Jesus is the cornerstone and we are the living stones that build it
Who is the perfect follower of christ?
A disipale