Research & Methods in Counseling Flashcards

Here are the flashcards quiz based on Research & Methods in Counseling in the form of quiz and much more related to the basics of Research & Methods in Counseling. Attempt these flashcards quizzes and check your knowledge.  

77 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What does the MaxMinCon Principle look like in research.
Reseracher trys to maximize the variance of the variables pertaining to the research question, try's to minimize the error variance of random variables, particularly due to errors of measurement of individual differences or participants, trys to control the variance of extraneous or unwanted variables that might affect or bias the variables in question.
Descirbe the qualities of internal and external validity (low or high) in descriptive research. Also descirbe how it is characterized.
Descriptive research designs have low external and low internal validity. These studies are characterized by invetigations that do not exercise experimental controls.
Describe the external and internal validity qualities (low or high) of experimental reserach designs as well as how it is characterized.
Experimental research designs have low external and high internal validity. It is characterized by the manipulation of the Idependent variable and are conducted in a laboratory setting. Low on External validity becasue the situation does not resemble a naturall occuring event.
Describe the internal and external validity qualities of experimental field research designs. Also characteristics.
Moderate IV and EV. Characterized by investigations that manipulate Idependent variable and are conducted in a real life setting. Attemppts to examine casuality through random assignment of treatment and control of Idependent variable.
What does the MaxMinCon principle stand for?
Maximize systematic variance of the variables under study, minimize error variance, and control extraneous variables.
What is error variance. Describe type I and Type II.
Error variance is the variability in participants responses that can obscure true relationships. Type I - incorrectly concluding a true relation exists Type II - Existance of a true relation when one does not exist.
What tyep of design is the post test only control group design and what does it look like?
Between group design r-x-01 r- - 02
What type of design is the pretest-posttest control group design and what does it look like?
Between group design r-01-x-02 r-03- - 04
What type of group design is the solommon four group design and what does it look like?
Between group design. r-01-x-02 r-03-x-04 r- -x-05 r- - - 06
What can Quasi-experiments NOT control for.
They can not control all of the various threats to internal validity. No random assignment.
What type of design is survery research?
It is descriptive= explain, explore, describe.
Explain Ex-Post facto design.
-variables can't be manipulated. Post test only quasi experimental. Example IV= Male vs. Female DV= conseling skills
Define reliablity.
The degree to which obtained scores reflect the true scores for individuals.
Ceiling effect
Instruments are sensitive to midrange differences but insnsitive to upper range. EX: Anxiety tests for students (mid) but not agoraphobics (upper)
Floor effect
Insturments sensitive to midrange but not to lower range EX: Depression test for students (mid) but not for M.D.D. (lower)