Respiratory System, Chapter 26

Respiratory, ch. 26, supplementation provided via book and notes

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What structures comprise the upper respiratory tract?
Nose, pharynx, adenoids, tonsils, epiglottis, larynx, and trachea.
What comprises the lower respiratory tract?
Bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli
What is the most common complaint with respiratory disorders?
What are some of the respiratory defense mechanisms?
Filtraiton of air, mucociliary clearance system, cough reflex, reflex alveolar macrophages, bronchoconstriction
What are some of the age-related changes in the respiratory system?
Alterations in structure, in defense mechanisms, and in respiratory control
What kinds of structural alterations occur in the respiratory system for the elderly?
Decrease in elastic recoil of the lung, decrease in chest wall compliance, and a stiffening of chest wall
What are other structural alterations in the respiratory system for the elderly?
The anterior-posterior diameter of the thoracic cage increases and residual volume increases
Further structural alterations include...
Costal cartilage calcify with aging and interfere with chest expansion. outward curvature of spine is marked, chest may appear barrel shaped
T/F: there is a decrease in alveolar function and they become less elastic
Why is there a decline in respiratory defense mechanisms?
Decline in cell-mediated immunity and the formation of antibodies. the alveolar macrophages are less effective at phagocytosis
What is an elderly person at risk for due to having a less forceful cough and fewer/less functional cilia?
Respiratory infections due to mucous membranes tend to be drier and retained mucous
Respiratory System changes in the elderly: Structural changes will yield...
Chest wall stiffening, costal cartilage calcification, decreased (elastic recoil, chest wall compliance..see table 26-4 on pp 517
Respiratory System differences in structural assessment findings in the elderly will yield...
Barrel chest appearance, kyphotic posture, decreased (chest wall movement, deep breathing, vital capacity)...see table 26-4 on pp 517
Respiratory system changes in the elderly: defense mechanism changes will yield:
Decreased (cell-mediated immunity, specific antibodies, cilia function, cough force, alveolar macrophage function, and sensation in pharynx)
Respiratory differences in defense mechanism assessment findings in the elderly will yield..
Decreased (cough effectiveness, secretion clearance) increased risk of upper respiratory aspiration, infection,...see table 26-4 on pp 517