What is ALARA & Its Other Medical Consequences Flashcards

Study about the What is ALARA & its other medical consequences with these quiz based flashcards. Attempt this set of flashcards which are simple and easy and learn about the What is ALARA & its other medical consequences with this.

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What does ALARA stand for?
As low as reasonably achievable
Who benefits from Dental X Rays?
Practitioners Patients Insurance Companies
What are X Rays used for?
Periodontal Disease Missing Teeth Trama Decay Evaluate Growth Document Current Conditions
Is the tissue surrounding the apex of the tooth
Radiopaque *Radio-Pack*
Not transparent to xrays or other forms of radiation Light/White areas
Permitting the passage of x rays ~Dark Areas
The overall darkness of the xray picture
The level of difference between the black, white and grey areas of the film. High contrast= very few shades of black and white Low contrast=many shades of grey between black and white.
Subject to contrast
The result of differences in absorption of the x ray by tissues The PT The kVp The scatter radiation
The act of exposing film to too much light or for too long a time
The act of exposing film to too little light or for too short a time
Film contrast
Contrast that comes from the characteristics of the film and processing film type exposure processing
Criteria for diagnostic intraoral x-rays
1.the xray should show proper definition and detail and degree of density and contrast so that all structures can be easily delineated 2.The structures should not be distorted by elongation or foreshortening 3.Interproximal surfaces should be seen w/o overlapping when able 4.The xray beam should be centered on the film so that cone cuts do not leave any area of the film unexposed 5. The film should not be cracked or bent 6. The film should be processed correctly
Excessive vertical angulation
Insufficient vertical angulation