Ring Finger Routine


8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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DHV Opener
I have to ask before I run: Why did you chose to wear that ring on that particular finger?

Interesting. Do you always wear rings on that same finger?

The reason I'm asking is because I have a friend who's a spiritual type, and she just taught me that the finger you chose to wear your rings on actually says something about your personality. I don't know if I totally believe it, but she nailed my personality pretty accurately.
For example, the thumb represents Poseidon, the god of the sea. And he was very independent. He was the only god who didn't live on Mount Olympus. And the thumb kind of stands apart from the other fingers. So people with thumb rings are generally independent thinkers who tend to do their own thing. They don't follow trends; they like to set their own.
Index Finger
Index Finger is represented by Zeus, the king of the gods. And it represents power and dominance. Just like when parents scold children, they always wave the index finger. So people with a ring on this finger generally have an inclination to take charge.
Middle Finger
The middle finger is represented by Dionysus, the god of wine and partying. He was a very irreverent god. And he liked to free people from their inhibitions. So if you have a ring there it means you tend to do whatever you want without depending too much on what others think. You can be an instigator sometimes. So it kind of makes sense that it's the finger people use to swear.
Ring Finger
Your ring finger is, of course, represented by Aphrodite. She was the goddess of love, and that's supposedly why we wear wedding rings on that finger. Interestingly, its the only finger that has a vein that goes straight to the heart without branching off. So when someone puts a ring on that finger, they're actually making a direct connection with your heart.
Pinky Finger
The pinky is represented by Ares, the god of war. That's why you see modsters wearing pinky rings. It represents conflict. When people put the ring on themselves, back then it meant they were in conflict with themselves or had some inner turmoil. If it was given as a gift, that often meant there was an element of conflict or competitiveness with the giver beneath the surface.
DHV Opener
(no rings)
I have to ask before I run: I notice you're not wearing any rings. Do you usually wear rings?

The reason I'm asking is because I have a friend who's a spiritual type, and she just taught me that wearing rings on certain fingers, or making the choice not to wear rings, actually says something about your personality.
No Rings
People who didn't wear rings were aligned with Hermes, who was the messenger of the gods. He represented exotic travel and wealth, and loved the best of everything. But he wasn't greedy. He was known for his giving nature, and was the most helpful of the gods. He was also the most adventurous. So people with no rings tend to be open minded, and enjoy travel and being around others.