Rise of Adolf Hitler

How come the Nazis were able to take over? It was due to   

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How did the Treaty of Versailles play a role in why Hitler came to power?
Treaty: Forced Germany to paying reparations after WW1.
Germany could not pay: lead to financial crisis in 1923. They printed more money --> Hyperinflation
What was the Daws plan? Was is Successful?
The money USA gave to Germany so they could pay reparations. It stabilized the currency and minimized the inflation. Germany contributed to the treaty for the next 5 years.
Why is the The Räte Republik important?
The Räte republik mad people associate the Jews to the communists. They wanted a strong man to stabilize the county. Since people were afraid of the communist that created anti-semistism against Jews.
Who were the November Criminals and why did they play a role for the rise of Hitler?
They were the democratic who signed the armistice and were seen as letting down Germany (admitting they failed) and were blamed for the Treaty of Versailles. (Many part of them were Jews)= Created hate among the nationalistic.
Who appointed Hitler chancellor?
Hindenburg was against Hitler however the military, peoples choice and rich aristocrats, made him cave in and appoint him chancellor. BUT: he didn't want Hitler to have to much power so he made Von Popen vice chancellor.
How is the night of the long knives significant?
It was in 1934: Hitler wanted to eliminate other parties through violence.
Röhm and much SA leadership were murdered.