RN Student: Myasthenia Gravis

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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What is MG?
It is a chronic autoimmune, in which autoantibody attack Acetycholine receptors. Therefore nerves fail to give skeletal muscle contraction. The Thymus gland is often abnormal and Hyperthoidism is also associated. This disease affect women more, and onset at 20-30 yrs old.
What are the signs and symptoms of MG?
MG affects the MOTOR system such as muscle weakness, poor posture, ptosis, weak/incomplete eye closure, Diplopia, Respiratory compromise, Loss of Bowel/Bladder conrol, Fatigue, Dysphagia/Dysarthria.
It also affects the SENSORY: Parethesia, Decreased smell and taste, and muscle ache.
What are the diagnostic tests for MG?
1. EMG
2. CXR/CT for Thymus gland
3. Thyroid function test
4. Lab shows Acetylcholine antibodies increased
5. Tensilon Testing
What is Tensilon Test?
It is a test used to confirm MG. Tensilon is an anticholeresterase inhibitor injection. In MG pts, Tensilon injection will cause a marked improvement of muscle tone for 4-5 minutes.
What are the side effects of Tensilon?
V. Fib and Cardiac Arrest
What is the antidote for Tensilon adverse effects?
Atropine should always be ready when use of Tensilon.
What are the treatment for MG?
1. Cholineresterase inhibitors drugs: Pyrigdostigmine (Mestinon, Regonal), Neostigmine (Prostigmine)
2. Immunosuppressants
3. Plasmapheresis
4. Thymectomy

What are the nursing considerations when caring for MG patients?
Give medication ON TIME! At least an hour or two before activities, meals, etc.

Avoid giving Morphine or sedatives because it cause more muscle weakness and comprise breathing.
What are the complications of MG?
1. Myasthenic Crisis, which is being undermedicated with anthicholeresterase inhibitor. 2. Cholinergic Crisis, which is being overmedicated with anticholineresterase inhibihor.

So whether u give little or too much anthicholineresterase inhibitor will cause crisis.
What to do during Myasthenic Crisis?
Give Tensilon to improve the symptoms,
What to do during Cholinergic Crisis?
Give anticholinergic (Atropine) to reduce the symptoms.