Sanam Pronouns

English Grammer

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What are the S.A.N.A.M. Pronouns?
How can you tell if these pronouns are singular or plural?
Look at the "of" construction that usually follows the pronoun.
What is a pronoun?
A word that replaces other nouns or pronouns.
What is an indefinite pronoun?
A pronoun that is not specific about about the thing to which it refers.
What indefinite pronouns require a singular verb form?
All pronouns that end with -one, -body, or -thing.

Anyone, Anybody, Anything
Everyone, Everybody, Everything
Whatever, Whoever
Someone, Somebody, Something
No one, Nobody, Nothing
Each, Every
What are the rules for using "Each" and "Every"
1. Each and Every, if the subject, always require a singular verb form.
2. If the subject is preceded by "Each" and "Every", it also requires a singular verb form. (Every dog Has paws - Every dog and cat Has paws - Each of these shirts is pretty)