SAT Vocabulary Unit 1 Lesson 1

Vocabulary words for McGraw-Hill's SAT I unit 1 lesson 1.

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Concise (adj) brief and to the point (con- altogether + cis cut)
Ricky, try to be a bit more concise in this paper; the assignment was for a three-page paper; yours was 106.
Laconic (adj) disposed to using few words (from Latin term for Spartans, who spoke little)
I've known Lucy for ten years, but she's so laconic that I hardly know anything about her past.
Succinct (adj) spoken or written in a clear and precise manner
Because commercial time during the Super Bowl runs over $3 million per minute, it's good to be succinct.
Brusque (adj) rudely abrupt
My girlfriend tends to be brusque when she's mad; she just tells me to "talk to the hand."
Abridge (v) to shorten a written text
The dictionary was 1,400 pages long before it was abridged by the publishers to 850 pages.