Science Chapter 5 Section 2 Flashcards

Learn about Science Chapter 5 Section 2 Atmosphere in the form of flashcard quizzes. Learn key terms, definitions, rules, and much more related to the topic of Science Chapter 5 Section 2, which is simple and easy to learn with our flashcards. ​

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Troposphere Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Definition
A layer of atmosphere that occurs from 0 to about 11 kilometers above Earth's surface; where all weather occurs
The name troposphere contains the Greek root tropo meaning Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Layers of the atmosphere
To turn or change
What is the region where clouds form and all weather happens? Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Layers of the Atmosphere
The troposphere
When you hear about airplanes flying above the weather this means that Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Layers of the Atmosphere
They are flying above the troposphere
What happens to the temperature as you go farther up in the Atmosphere? Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Layers of the Atmosphere
The temperature first decreases and then it increases and then decreases and increases again
How have scientists divided the earth's atmosphere into layers? Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Layers of the Atmosphere
Based on the zigzag pattern of the temperature decreases and increases
Stratosphere Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Definition
A layer of atmosphere that occurs from about 11 kilometers to 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface The location of the ozone layer.
Mesosphere Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Definition
A layer of atmosphere that occurs from about 50 kilometers to 80 kilometers above the Earth's surface The coldest layer
Thermosphere Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Definition
A layer of atmosphere that occurs from about 80 kilometers to 500 kilometers above the Earth's surface This layer has a low density of air molecules and a very high temperature
Exosphere Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Definition
A layer of atmosphere that occurs from about 500 kilometers above the Earth's surface and extends into space The location of the orbits of satellites
Ionosphere Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - Definition
Portions of the atmosphere in the thermosphere where electricity can be transmitted
Which layer of the atmosphere do satellites orbit the earth? Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - The exosphere and the ionosphere
The exosphere
At what height are most satellites above the earth? Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - The exosphere and the ionosphere
36,000 kilometers above the equator
At what speed to most satellites travel? Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - The exosphere and the ionosphere
At the same speed that the Earth rotates
What's the orbit path called in which the satellites rotate? Sci Chp5 Sec 2 - The exosphere and the ionosphere
The Clarke Belt