Science Moon Test

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29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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As you move from the equader to the north pole what happens to the amount of light striking the northern hemisphere?
What happens to the amount of daylight?
As you move from the equator to the south pole what happens to the amount of light striking the southern hemisohere?
What happens to the amount of daylight?
Turns on its own axis
Orbiting around another object
The moon is closest to the earth
One complete revolution of the earth around the sun takes about
One year
Annular eclipse
During a solar eclipse the edge of the sun still shows when moon was at apogee it appears smaller and doesnt completely cover
Describe the mariathat cover most of the surface of the moon
The maria is the dark areas that we see on the moon they are smooth and it reflects little of light
How thick is the crust of the moon on the side facing the earth
The crust that is facing the earth is 60 km thick
During which stafe of development did the maria form
3rd stage
How would the surface of the moon differ today if meteorites has continues to hit it at the same rate as they di 3 billion years ago
It would be somewat the same as it does now
What happens to make a year on earth
Earth revolves around the sun
What motions have to happen to make an earth month
Moon revolves around earth