Science Unit 3 :) <3

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is a Sustainable Ecosystem?
A sustainable ecosystem is able to replace the resources that people remove, and recycle the wastes that people put in.
What is Bio-Diversity?
The variety of species in an ecosystem
What do humans remove from ecosystems, and what do they put in?
We remove resources faster than ecosystems can replace them.We often put wastes into ecosystems faster than the natural cycles can deal with them. As a result, some ecosystems can no longer provide for other species.
Would you expect to find greater biodiversity in a natural ecosystem or a human-made ecosystem, such as a farm or a garden?
I think that Species are more likely to survive in a natural ecosystem opposed to a man made ecosystem because Natural Environments are usually always sustainable. Man Made Ecosystems are not always able to do so. Plus, Animals have to be able to adapt to their environment.
Why is Pollution Bad?
Because It can End up in the bodies of Plants, Animals and Humans.
How can Household Garbage reduce Bio-Diversity?
Most of the household garbage that you produce ends up in landfill sites. The original ecosystem of the field or forest is replaced by the ecosystem of the landfill site. This can result in Habitat Loss. If poisonous chemicals are put in a landfill, these harmful substances can pollute the soil and water. The environment changes and the plant and animal.
How can your Shopping Habits Contribute to Air Pollution?
Most of our clothes are not made locally. In order for them to get to us, they have to be put on a train, ship plane or a truck. Most of the time, they are far away. The leading cause of air pollution is the transportation of goods and people.
What type of land use causes the most habitat loss in the antelope brush ecosystem?
Do human needs or human wants result in more habitat loss for other species?
Human Wants. Do we really need over 30 golf courses in the Okanagan? The average golf 18 hole gold course takes up 187 acres! There are 28 18 hole golf courses in Kelowna and Westbank by them selves! That is around 5,236 acres of golf courses in our Area. Crazy, huh?
How can the introduction of a non-native species can decrease biodiversity in an ecosystem.
Introducing Non-Native species to an ecosystem can harm or destroy native species because they compete with them for food and water, or hunt them for food.
What is Stewardship?
Taking personal responsibility for something; forexample, by caretaking in an ecosystem.
What does the term “ecological footprint” mean?
The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earths's ecological capacity to regenerate.
Why is it important for people to reduce their ecological footprint?
Basically, An ecological footprint is not an actual footprint. It is more a state of mind of us showing how much we are affecting our earth. We need to stop making our footprint so big so that we can stop polluting out world!
Biodiversity keeps:
Ecosystems strong and stable.
List three ways that Human Activities can decrease Biodiversity.
Pollution, Habitat Loss, Introduction of Non-Native Species